Sunday, March 27, 2011

(G1) Exploring foreground, middleground and background

Project objective(s):
- How a composition is generally divided into three planes.
- Create a composition demonstrating foreground, middleground and background.
- Learn that sometimes the middleground is the most dominant due to the larger 
perceived scale of the images.
- Learn that scale often correlates to the dominance in an image.

Finding foreground, middleground and background in pictures.

 Examining the three planes.

Understanding how the composition is divided into three planes.

Working in creating a three plane composition.

Understanding that the background is the plane in a composition perceived furtherest from the viewer.

According to the student the rainbow stands as the background.

Demonstrating foreground, middleground and background.

This is an example of an interesting interpretation of the three planes.

The student added a fourth plane in his composition.

(EV) Kindergarten is visiting The Ackland Art Museum (2/2)

Looking for patterns in works of art.

Examining the details in the pattern.

Discussing the lines in the pattern.

Discussing the color wheel.

 Finding the color yellow in this painting.

We found two shades of red.

Discussing the different shades of green. 


(EV) Kindergarten is visiting The Ackland Art Museum (1/2)

Our visit to The Ackland Art Museum was divided into three parts.

1. Life Cycle of a Work of Art
Vocabulary: gallery, sculpture, marble
2. Patterns in art
Vocabulary: gallery, sculpture, pattern
3.Color in art
Vocabulary: gallery, painting, canvas, landscape, portrait, abstract

Learning the Life Cycle of a Work of art.

Examining a piece of marble and learning the stages of transformation.

Answering questions about the connection of the piece of marble and the Roman head.

Understanding the circle of life while examining the details in the painting.

Discussing patterns and how we use them in compositions.

Creating patterns.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

(PS) Flowers with feelings

Project objective(s):
- Looking at pictures of flowers and discussing colors, lines and patterns
- Choose lines, colors and shapes to help show mood
- Use both markers and crayons in your composition

  We looked at pictures of flowers and discussed how colors can evoke certain feelings.

Remembering the guidelines for color fencing, contouring and pressing our crayons.

Student comment: "My flower can be happy or moody".

Student comment: " My flower looks like a rainbow, and this means my flower is happy".

Student comment: " Pink and yellow are happy colors".

Student  comment: " The blue color will protect my flower from the rain".

The student planned her composition so that she included both warm and cool colors.

Student comment: " I wanted my flowers to have ten petals. The three purple petals are moody".

This student wanted me to guess which petal was the "moody" one?
I said the one with the black and orange stripes.
Student comment: " You are correct".

Student comment: " My flower wants to give me a hug".