
Saturday, September 24, 2011

(G1) The Whimsical Trees of Toni Demuro (The Tree Project)

In collecting information to design the unit on Trees, I discovered the work of Toni Demuro (view his work), an Italian artist
who uses the image of a tree in such a creative and whimsical way. 
The students looked at pictures of his work and understood the playfulness of his compositions.  
Each student was free to choose his/her favorite work and created their own composition.

Toni Demuro 

Student comment: "I want the person to be a boy and so I don't want the bow."

Using water colors and pastels to complete the composition.

Toni Demuro

Student comment: " My sky has fireflies."  

Toni Demuro

After dividing the composition, the student is using pastels to color the spaces.    

Student comment: "It is not raining but this man is holding an umbrella." 

Toni Demuro

The student wrote her name on the leaves of the tree.

The student worked hard to create the horizon line.

Toni Demuro

Using play dough to create the lines of the tree.

Student comment: " My tree is thicker than Mr.Demuro's tree."


  1. While I did not know Italian Demuro.
    I find that students have performed wonderfully well partcolari these trees, enriching their inner life, beautiful and interesting results.
    Best regards, Barbara

  2. very nice assortment of trees- pinning this on pinterest : )

  3. These are Fantastic!The children took a lot of care into creating each one. I adore the textured tree with the woman figure and the cat in the tree. Thanks for introducing me to Demuro's work!

  4. Sweet works! Mr Demuro had a very good idea! Arianna

  5. Marilena,

    You chose a wonderful artist to share with your students. Mr. Dimauro's trees are magical and the kid's work reflects the magic!

    ;) Pat

  6. Gorgeous colors, I like it. Really magical to dream envisioning.

  7. Thank you for sharing. I'm adding this artist to our tree art collection. Loving this tree unit!

  8. Congratulations Marilena! Very beautiful work! Kisses from greece.

  9. Hello Marilena, I agree with Pat, how exciting for the children to have the opportunity to study wonderful artists and the results are magical!

  10. When I was a kid, our art teacher didn't give us any instruction or inspiration ever.... and I always felt completely lost in front of the big, white paper and it took me decades to realize that I am creative. Seeing this makes me smile! Your students are very lucky to have an amazing teacher. It might change their life. I enjoyed their work very much.

  11. Thanks for sharing his works ...Toni Demuro !
    I am reviewing them in detail ! great resource !

  12. Thank you everyone for you kind comments.

  13. Hello, Art at Chesterbrook Academy Elementary School.

    The imagination of children is infinite.
    Our happiness can come in contact with the sacredness of the child.

    The tender autumn for you.


  14. Toni Demuro is a brilliant genius friend of mine... his creations always amaze me!
