
Sunday, June 5, 2011

(Pr-K) Experiments with yarn, pipe cleaners, paper, and paint

We had the choice to use pipe cleaners or yarn to create our wheels.

Using paper and paint to create an original composition.

Creating patterns. 

Creating flowers.

Using paper and paint to complete the composition.

Using a variety of paper to create patterns.

Student comment: "It is a balloon". 

Organizing the composition.

Using yarn, pipe cleaners and paint to create a flower.


  1. Terrific open-ended and creative projects! They're lucky to have a teacher like you who eschews the cookie cutter type activities and promotes genuine creativity!

  2. I really love all the mixed media projects you do- you must have superb classroom management and organizational skills! Any tips/pointers for using mixed media with younger students?

  3. I have organized my mixed-media material in such a way that at any time I can find what I want for a particular project. I label the containers with the name of each item.

    For the younger students I always provide four to five choices of mixed-media material items so that every child will choose what he/she finds appealing and easy to huddle. For the wheel project I provided pipe cleaners so that the students who had difficulty using the yarn would have another option. I try to give as man choices as I can so that every child feels successful at the end.

    I often I have to either redesign or change the lesson on the spot so that the project can be successful for all the different levels of students.

    I hope this helps :)
