
Saturday, April 16, 2011

(G2) Cats in art (Part II) The cats of Rosita Wachtmeister 2/3

Project objective(s):
- Examine the style of  Rosita Wachtmeister's cats
- Discuss line, form, color, and pattern
- Create your Rosita Wacthmeister cat

 Rosita Wachtmeister was born in 1939 Vienna, Austria.
In her biographical note she mentions war, bombs, a garden full of potatoes, ceramics workshop, and flute lessons. She moved to Italy in 1967 where she learns to paint and exposes her paintings at the Piazza Navona

Rosita Wachtmeister's work is a favorite among art teachers.
Mary Making 

In order to understand her style the students examined a number of Rosita's paintings. ( ). Among them "Tommaso and his Family".

We practiced drawing the different elements found in her cats.

We drew with pencil, made the necessary corrections, and then used a sharpie to outline our design.

Creating patterns as part of the design.

Cats in the style of Rosita Wachtmeister.

 Creating interesting backgrounds.

Adding your own details.

Lines, colors and patterns.


  1. I enjoyed looking thru your blog. The students paintings are such vibrant in color.
    I like the way you have a bit about the artist before the project. The parents can learn something too. Thanks for your kind comments.

  2. fun! i usually use wegman, but i think some students might enjoy doing cats instead of dogs! i featured your blog on mine as a part of the "versatile blogger" award, so link up and congrats!

  3. You just got another Versatile Blogger Award from me. Congrats!

  4. I am so glad you liked my blog.
    I love to share with all you talented art people.
    please come again

  5. Love these! So vibrant, and your kids are doing a great job with their line work, as well.
